Mass Intention Form

The Mass Intention Book will open October 27, 2024 for the scheduling of masses for next year (2025).  If you wish to schedule a mass, please fill out the Mass Intention form below, including your name, address and telephone number.  Please list the date and time preferred.  We will try to schedule to the best of our ability in the order in which they are received. Please mail payment to the Parish Church Office, drop off at Parish Church office or place an envelope in the collection labeled Mass intention. Once your payment is received, the request will be processed.

Requested By:

Multiple Intentions ($5.00 each) – Limit 12 per family per year (or once a month).

Saturday (4:00 pm)
Sunday (11:00 am)
Sunday (9:00 am)
Tuesday (6:00 pm)

Note: Please limit your mass intention to no more than 4 names per intention.

Single Intentions ($5.00 each) – Limit 4 per family per year

(If a single intention date is already taken, we will schedule your mass on the weekend nearest the date you requested).

Wednesday (7:00 am)
Thursday (7:00 am) 
Friday (7:00 am)  No 7 am masses during Lent

Note:  Please limit your mass intention  to no more than 4 names per intention.

Sanctuary Candles ($20.00 each) - Limit 2 per family per year

(If your requested date is already taken, a mass date will be scheduled on the weekend nearest the date you requested in place of the Sanctuary Candle).

St. John the Evangelist Church

57805 Main Street
Plaquemine, Louisiana 70764

Church Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed Fridays

Phone: 225-687-2402
Fax: 225-687-1587
Prayer Line: 225-687-1554
