Details on Restoration Process

In 2027, we wil celebrate 100 years in this church building. We know how integral it is to us in our faith. We know how its structure stands tall as a marker for centuries of faithful Christian life. For many of us, it is the center and symbol of our communal life in Christ.

To sustain our hundred-year-old church building, we will soon begin a campaign to restore her where needed. We have called forth a committee of couples and individuals to ensure these needs are named and addressed. We have engaged one of our native sons, Mr. Henry Carville, architect, to help guide us in this process along with Dr. Susanna Greggio of the Diocese of Baton Rouge.

Some of the items to be addressed are major roof leaks, air conditioning, electrical revisions, floors under the pews, pew refurbishment, sealing of inner and outer walls, a good interior cleaning all through the church, sound system, lighting, termite damage, etc. Currently, these projects are estimated to cost $2.4 million.

We realize we are asking a lot in a very difficult time for us all. Yet, we remember that 97 years ago in similarly difficult times, St. John the Evangelist Church was built. Whatever you can offer will be a blessing for all. Remember, if you cannot offer anything at this time, please pray for our success. Do not feel guilty or the need to explain. God understands. May God bless the work of our hands and answer the prayers we offer. As we enter these first days of the campaign, let us remember what is inscribed in Latin over our tabernacle, "HIS THRONE ENDURES AS LONG AS DO THE HEAVENS". 


Learn More: 

St. John the Evangelist Church

57805 Main Street
Plaquemine, Louisiana 70764

Church Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed Fridays

Phone: 225-687-2402
Fax: 225-687-1587
Prayer Line: 225-687-1554
