Parish School of Religion

Parish School of Religion (PSR)

St. John Church Parish is committed to offering a faith based program that shall enhance the spiritual path of every child within our parish. Students from the first grade through the eleventh are welcome. The program is designed to broaden the spiritual horizon of our youth. In the process of strengthening their faith, the program supports Christian ethics as well as encourage strong family bonds within their circles of care.

In the process of assisting parents in the nurturing process of their children, we welcome parents and family members to join in the process. All have a place at the table of the Lord. We are a community of faith committed to love, to mercy and to unity. 

If you should need assistance in registering your child please contact Wanda Ashley, DRE through the parish office at 225-687-2402. If you have questions and need answers concerning the PSR program do not hesitate to contact Ms. Ashley. 


2024-2025 PSR Schedule


Parent 20182019 Infographic

St. John the Evangelist Church

57805 Main Street
Plaquemine, Louisiana 70764

Church Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed Fridays

Phone: 225-687-2402
Fax: 225-687-1587
Prayer Line: 225-687-1554
