
St. John the Evangelist has many opportunities to serve and evangelize through its ministries.  Our volunteers are vital in sustaining these outreach activities to others in faith.   The ministries are in the areas of Worship, Spiritual Life, Community Life, and Education.

Worship Ministries provide the ministers for an atmosphere which enables our dedication to faith-filled community liturgical celebration and worship. For more information on becoming involved in any of the following ministries, call the Church Office at 225-687-2402:
Lectors/Proclaimers proclaim the Word of God and lead the assembly in prayer at liturgical celebrations.  Training is required for new Lectors/Proclaimers; all Lectors/Proclaimers participate in ongoing formation and read on a rotating schedule at weekend and weekday masses.

Lay Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are directly commissioned at the discretion of the pastor to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at scheduled liturgies and communion services, to carry Holy Communion to the homebound, the hospitalized and incarcerated in prison or jail.  Special training and qualifications apply.  All Lay Eucharistic Ministers participate in ongoing formation and serve on a rotating schedule for weekend and weekday masses.

Altar Servers are students in grades 3-12 or adults who assist the Celebrant at liturgical celebrations.   Training is required for all new Altar Servers.  They serve on a rotating schedule for weekend and weekday masses as well as at special liturgies as needed. Please contact the church office at 225-687-2402 if you or your child want to participate.

Sacristans set up for special liturgical celebrations, attending to the preparation of supplies and instruments, sacred vessels for masses, funerals and Sacraments like Baptism.   They also attend to the proper storage and inventory of liturgical supplies and equipment in the sacristy.

Church Candles are maintained by Jacob Barbier and Gary Perrault. They take care of replacing the votive candles in the side altar and the perpetual candle for Jesus in the sanctuary as well as other altar candles.
Choir is composed of adults who lead and enable congregational prayer through song at 9:00am Mass and special liturgical celebrations.  Choir practice is usually on Wednesday evening at 6:45pm and generally follows the school year with special emphasis for liturgical seasons. Please contact Medric Smith, Jr. at the Church Office at 225-687-2402.

Ushers serve as ministers of hospitality at masses in greeting people, assisting with seating, assisting disabled worshippers, receiving offerings, directing a smooth flow of the assembly for receiving Holy Communion and distributing the weekly church bulletin after Mass is concluded.

Greeters– The families of 2nd graders that will receive 1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion take turns greeting parishioners as they enter the Church for 11:00 a.m. Mass. To learn more about participating in this ministry, please contact Wanda Ashley through the church office at 225-687-2402.

Liturgical Environment prepares the church for the liturgical seasons or special liturgical celebrations through the use of flower arrangements, decorations, banners or other appointments. For the Creche that adorns our church during Advent to Epiphany, please call Derryl Comeaux or Donna Carville the Church Office at 225-687-2402.

Spiritual Life Ministries enrich and promote the spiritual growth of the parish through ongoing conversion, renewal and leading a life of prayer in action:

Prayer Line is available to receive your prayer requests for your needs and those of others.  Call 225-687-1554 to submit your prayer request. Contact Marlene Benoit through the Church Office at 225-687-2402.

Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is open every day from 4:00AM until 11:00PM. Parishioners commit to one hour intervals in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying for our Church, our community and for peace in our world today. Please contact Jo Ann Daigle through the Church Office at 225-687-2402 if you are interested in participating in this ministry.

Holy Spirit Prayer Group meets on  the second Sunday of each month. Time - 4:00 to 6:00 p.m at St. John the Evangelist Church. Come join us for praise and worship, breaking open the Word of God, intercessory prayers for all ministries and any of your personal intentions. Contact Mary Ann Smith through the Church Office at 225-687-2402.

Spiritual Renewal (Retreats) – Parishioners from our Church have the opportunity to attend a retreat with others either at Manresa or Our Lady of the Oaks. Please contact Gwen Hayes for women's retreats or David Lobue for Manresa retreats through the Church Office at 225-687-2402 for more information.

Community Life Ministries serve the need for fellowship, hospitality and social support.  Please contact the Church Office to volunteer and get more information about each ministry:

Community Lay Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist bring communion to those who are unable to attend Mass. They may be ill, confined to their homes, in the hospital or care facilities. Please contact Patricia Ebert at the Church Office at 225-687-2402 to help with this important ministry.

Hospitality – Coffee, juice and donuts are provided for parishioners after 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Masses on Sundays in the Parish Hall. Parishioners as well as visitors are invited to gather and fellowship. Contact Chairman Marsha Dupont through the Church Office at 225-687-2402 to volunteer to help with this welcoming activity.

St. Joseph’s Altar – In honor of St. Joseph, a beautiful Altar is prepared each year, blessed and shared on the Sunday in March closest to St. Joseph’s Day.  Meatless spaghetti is prepared along with thousands of Italian cookies, Italian bread in many shapes and sizes, cakes and Fava beans are available to all who attend.  To volunteer and experience this holy event, contact Chairman Betty Aucoin through the Church Office at 225-687-2402.

Annual Outdoor Mass – The Outdoor Mass is a gathering of our congregation at the Plaquemine Locks grounds to celebrate 11:00 a.m. Mass. Parishioners as well as visitors have lunch together, enjoy games and activities.  Contact Chairman Susan Landry through the Church Office at 225-687-2402 to volunteer to help.

Prayer Blankets for the Sick – Prayer blankets are provided to all who are suffering from serious illness or injury as a gesture of our love for them and our prayers for God’s mercy for them.  Please contact Chairman Jane Gauthreaux through the Church Office at 225-687-2402 to volunteer or if you know of someone in need of a prayer blanket.

Social Responsibility –  Assistance for special needs may be provided to those in hardship. Uniforms for children of families who are unable to purchase them are provided each school year through the generosity of St. John parishioners. Please contact Gwen Hayes at the Church Office to volunteer to help with this ministry at 225-687-2402.

Loaves and Fishes – This committee assists families who may need to use the Parish Hall for funerals. Contact through the Church Office at 225-687-2402 to volunteer and learn about this ministry. 

Christmas Giving Tree – Each Christmas parishioners volunteer to purchase gifts for over 400 children in the Plaquemine area who might not otherwise enjoy the giving and receiving of gifts during this holy season of Jesus Christ’s birth.  Candy canes with the children’s names adorn a Christmas tree at the rear of the Church.  Parishioners take the candy canes, purchase gifts appropriate for the age and gender of the child and return the gifts to the Church.  Volunteers then bring the gifts to the respective schools in Plaquemine.  Please contact Katie Berthelot through the Church Office at 225-687-2402 to volunteer.

Christmas Visits to Homebound – Parishioners who are homebound or in care facilities are visited during Advent and given poinsettias, baked goods and prayers. Contact JoAnn Landry through the Church Office at 225-687-2402 to volunteer.

Respect Life supports the awareness of the dignity and sanctity of life by attending events throughout the year and holding a vigil for 40 days near the Delta Women’s Clinic in Baton Rouge.  St. John Church adopts one of the days during the vigil and volunteers take turns during the day.  To learn more about this ministry, contact Jo Ann Landry or Mary Ann Smith through the Church Office at 225-687-2402.
Church Landscaping Committee takes care of maintaining the flowerbeds around the Church, Parish Hall and parking lots. To volunteer contact Donna Carville through the Church Office at 225-687-2402.

Facilities Maintenance Project Team assists the maintenance coordinator in repairing or maintaining the facilities of St. John including the Church, Parish Hall/Office building and surrounding land.  Please contact Gary Perrault through the Church Office at 225-687-2402 to volunteer to help.
Religious Education Ministries assist parents in their role as primary educators of the Catholic faith in providing ongoing Religious Education Programs for their children. This Ministry also assist parents and other adults in furthering their own lifelong enrichment of their faith in God.  Volunteers are needed in all areas of Religious Education.  Please contact Wanda Ashley, Director of Religious Education, through the Church Office at 225-687-2402.

Children’s Church – Children from ages 3-7 are dismissed from the Liturgy of the Word and homily to learn more about the Sacred Scripture readings for the Mass and how they may apply to their lives today.  They return to the Mass for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.  Catechist oversee the sessions in the Parish Hall each Sunday during 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Masses. Contact Wanda Ashley the Church Office at 225-687-2402 if you are interested in ministering to the children of our Church Parish.

Parish School of Religion (PSR) – Catechists support parents whose children attend non-Catholic schools in growing in their awareness of the presence of God and teach their children to live the Gospel as part of a faith community.  Volunteers are encouraged to participate in an ongoing process of workshops and seminars provided by the Parish and the Diocese. PSR Classes are held on Wednesday evenings from August through March and coordinated by Wanda Ashley (DRE). For more information concerning the PSR program please contact Wanda Ashley through the Church Office at 225-687-2402.

Sacramental Preparation  – Volunteers through the guidance of the Director of Religious Education provide faith-filled programs to prepare candidates to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation.  Contact Wanda Ashley, Director of Religious Education through the Church Office at 687-2402.

Marriage Preparation – Married couples meet with and share their faith with engaged couples in their preparation to receive the Sacrament of Marriage. It includes FOCCUS, facilitating open couple communication, understanding and study. Please contact Susan Landry through the Church Office at 225-687-2402 for more information.

Summer Programs – Each summer one week is dedicated to children in grades Pre-K through 6th grade. The week is dedicated to having fun, fellowship, and gathering in the prescence of the Lord through worship and music. To register your child please contact the Church Office at 225-687-2402. To volunteer for this ministry please contact Wanda Ashley, DRE through the Church Office at 225-687-2402.

R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) provides assistance to those adults interested in joining the Catholic Church through a 4-step process.  The first step is the Inquiry in the fall, Catechumenate is the second step, where more in-depth catechesis is offered. The third step is the purification and enlightenment during Lent, reception of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist at Easter followed by the 4th step of mystagogy where the neophytes(new members) are more fully embraced into the community of the Church through its ministries.  Contact Donna Carville through the Church Office at 225-687-2402 if you are interested in joining the Catholic Church or if you wish to volunteer.

Adult Faith Formation – We never reach an age where we “know everything” about our faith and these programs provide a way to grow and enrich our faith and service to God through study and prayer.  Bible or spirituality studies are offered throughout the year primarily on Monday evenings and on Thursdays, one class in the afternoon and another class in the evening.  Please contact Donna Carville through the Church Office at 225-687-2402 to participate or to volunteer for this ministry.

Adult Confirmation – For those baptized Catholics who have received Holy Communion but not the Sacrament of Confirmation, you are encouraged to complete preparation for this sacrament after Easter. Confirmation by the Bishop occurs on Pentecost Sunday, 40 days after Easter. Contact Donna Carville through the Church Office at 225-687-2402 if you are interested.


Altar Society takes care of the altar linens and cleans the church as well as operates the gift shop located in the back of the Church brimming with Catholic mementos from Bibles, Sacramental gifts, statues to prayer cards. Proceeds go toward maintaining the Church linens and sacramental vessels. Please contact Donna Carville through the Church Office at 225-687-2402.

Catholic Daughters – The Catholic Daughters organization is one of the largest women’s organizations in the Catholic Church, Catholic Daughters meet monthly in the Parish Hall providing services for the church activities such as the reception after Easter Vigil for the RCIA candidates, scholarships, and make hundreds of rosaries for the incarcerated and third world country residents. Please contact Regent Dawn Rivet through the Church Office at 225-687-2402.

Knights of Columbus – The largest men’s organization in the Catholic Church meets monthly. They provide many philanthropic services through their key fundraisers such as the Acadian Festival, BBQ Chicken Dinners and fireworks for 4th of July and New Years. They have contributed to sustain both St. John Church as well as St. John School. Contact Steve Smith, Grand Knight, through the Church Office at 225-687-2402 to join.

Knights of Peter Claver Women’s Auxiliary – The intent and purpose of the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary is to render services to God, our Church and our community as did their founder St. Peter Claver, a Spanish Jesuit priest who ministered to natives of South America. The Knights of Peter Claver is the largest predominately African American lay Catholic organization in the United States. Please contact Eva Mellieon through the Church Office at 225-687-2402.

St. John the Evangelist Church

57805 Main Street
Plaquemine, Louisiana 70764

Church Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed Fridays

Phone: 225-687-2402
Fax: 225-687-1587
Prayer Line: 225-687-1554
